Thursday, August 02, 2012

Book by Orna Gadish, Author of "DON'T SAY I DO! Why Women Should Stay Single" (New Horizon Press, 2012) Exposes the Financial, Psychological, Sexual and Career-Related Logic Behind the "Single Woman" Trend

By Sharon Adams

Unrelenting and fully independent, the single women of today have more advantages than ever before, creating liberating milestones in female empowerment and an overall globally contagious, higher sense of self-worth. No longer are women insisting upon joining the circle of housewives. No longer are they the sole caregivers, nannies, or sex providers at home, but rather, today's women creating their own financial, sexual, and career-conquering, sovereign circles of like-minded women, who climb the success ladder day by day.

In the inspiring and stimulating new book, Don’t Say I Do! Why Women Should Stay Single, written by female empowerment author Orna Gadish M.Sc., Gadish uncovers dramatic alternatives to the old ‘white picket fence’ theories and highlights the importance for today’s women to fully determine if traditional practices are really meant for them. Must women really be reliant upon another person to find lifelong happiness, or can they find a better sense of accomplishment and esteem in themselves only?

Given the facts, nearly fifty percent of women today are remaining single and opting for “no thanks, I DON’T!” rather than taking the life-altering walk down the aisle. And considering divorce rates are also following the fifty percent of the pie number, it’s no wonder, millions of women today begin to challenge the relevancy marriage could have on their lives.

Gadish discusses “substitutes for marriage” for unmarried women, both in and out of relationships, as well as for single women, divorced women, unhappily married women, and happily unmarried woman. The book addresses alternatives for traditional marriage, stressing postmodern family structures and family settings where women's careers and passions in life are foremost—making the book a provocative and inspiring non-fiction for any female who considers dating men, sexual bonds, relationships, cohabitation, creating family, motherhood, education, career  development, marriage, or divorce.

Gadish goes on to further offer a distinction between old-age and new-age practices, modernizes ways for improvement in personal finances, and also addresses the verity that even science has given women the power of conception, without the necessity of a single touch of a man.  

Don’t Say I Do! Why Women Should Stay Single brings new values to life, serving as a platform for women to take a stand and truly uncover their true desires they hold within. Ultimately, the existential anxiety over preserving old traditional habits of family, relationships, and finances can be unleashed, as the book offers the single women fresh perspectives and alternative ideas to possess. Challenging, meaningful and captivating, Don’t Say I Do! reveals how marriage is just one choice for today's women, not the ultimate choice, given the high divorce rates and infidelity rates throughout the western world.

Don’t Say I Do! leaves no stone unturned, as Gadish addresses relevant studies, powerful theories, and thought-provoking challenges, relating to sexual, psychological,  financial and career-related advantages of living happily unmarried. As these new values become social cultural phenomena, unmarried women, single women, divorced women, and unhappily married women may benefit from embracing this revolution in female liberation. Above all, today's women are blessed with freedom of choice to carve their own paths in life, with or without a relationship, and without the marital restraints.

For many, the book can serve as confirmation of all of the questioning thoughts and aspirations women may once have had and can give a fresh breath of air into any woman seeking a higher sense of self-worth, contentment and also success. Don’t Say I Do! Why Women Should Stay Single is definitely an uplifting and compelling experience in the written word of relationships and modern lifestyle choices for millions of women today.

Why Women Should Stay Single
By Orna Gadish, MSc
New Horizon Press
July 2012
ISBN: 978-0-88282-382-9

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